
Cards (101)

  • What is the primary female hormone important in the development of the menstrual cycle and reproductive system?
  • What is the role of oxytocin?
    Stimulates lactation, reduces cortisol, and facilitates bonding
  • How do individuals classify themselves in terms of gender identity?

    By creating their individual sense of self
  • What does sex refer to in biological terms?
    Biological characteristics that determine whether a person is male or female
  • Is sex innate or learned?
  • How is gender defined?
    As the social and psychological characteristics of males and females
  • What are sex-role stereotypes?
    Qualities and characteristics seen as appropriate for each sex
  • What are the female sex-role stereotypes?
    • Nurturing
    • Co-operative
    • Domestic
    • Emotional
    • Passive
  • What are the male sex-role stereotypes?
    • Strong
    • Independent
    • Physical
    • Aggressive
    • Unemotional
  • What are the sources of sex-role stereotypes?
    Primary socialisation, school, careers, media, culture
  • What is gender dysphoria?
    Feelings of distress that lasts for at least 6 months when assigned gender does not match gender identity
  • What does androgyny refer to?
    Co-existence of masculine and feminine characteristics within an individual
  • What is a genotype?
    The genetic makeup of a being
  • What determines being male or female?
    A pair of chromosomes and reproductive anatomy
  • What are the female chromosomes?
  • What are the male chromosomes?
  • What may happen if one's sex doesn't match their gender?
    They may decide to have gender reassignment surgery
  • What are hormones?
    Chemical substances produced in the body that regulate activity of cells or organs
  • What governs gender?
  • What are male hormones also known as?
  • What hormone do women typically produce more than men?
  • What is the role of testosterone in gender development?
    Controls the development of male sex organs and is associated with aggression
  • When does the development of male sex organs begin?
    At 8 weeks of foetal development
  • What is the role of oestrogen in gender development?
    Determines female sex characteristics and menstruation
  • Where is testosterone primarily produced?
    Mainly in the male testes
  • How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?
    23 pairs
  • What determines biological sex?
    The X and Y chromosomes
  • What are feminine traits?
    • Caring
    • Nurturing
    • Emotional
  • What are masculine traits?
    • Assertive
    • Strong
    • Independent
  • What does transgender mean?
    Identifying more with the opposite sex than assigned at birth
  • What is a gender role?
    Conforming to a gender identity by behaving in a gender-appropriate manner
  • What is the Bem Sex Role Inventory known as?
  • How was the Bem Sex Role Inventory developed?
    By asking students to rate personality traits as masculine or feminine
  • What is the purpose of the Bem Sex Role Inventory?
    To measure the mix of stereotypically masculine and feminine traits in an individual
  • Why does Bem suggest that androgyny is advantageous?
    Because it provides traits needed to cope with a range of situations
  • How does the BSRI work?
    People rate themselves for traits on a scale of 1 to 7
  • What is a strength of the BSRI?
    High test-retest reliability
  • What is a limitation of the BSRI?
    It reduces femininity and masculinity to a single score
  • What is a strength of the importance of hormones in shaping behavior according to Lombardo et al.?

    Hormones in the womb have a lasting impact on individuals
  • What did the Cambridge Autism Research Centre find regarding testosterone?

    There is a link between testosterone levels and autism