andrea’s vesalius

Cards (9)

  • What are the specific years of Andreas Vesalius's life?

  • What is Andreas Vesalius most known for in the field of medicine?

    Proving Galen wrong and encouraging dissection
  • What was the situation regarding medical knowledge before Vesalius's work?

    The church controlled knowledge and everyone believed Galen
  • What were the key aspects of Vesalius's work in human anatomy?

    • Performed human dissections himself
    • First person to study human anatomy
  • What was the short-term impact of Vesalius's work on medicine?

    It challenged the church's control and led to the prosecution of medicine
  • What was the long-term impact of Vesalius's work on the church's power?
    It contributed to the church losing its power and created the foundation of medicine
  • What limitation did Vesalius face in his work?

    The church's restrictions on dissection
  • what was vesalius' book called
    fabric of the human body (italian)
  • what was his book translated to after
