ambroise pare

Cards (8)

  • What specific years are associated with Ambroise Paré's work?

    1510 - 1890
  • What are some of the key contributions of Ambroise Paré?

    Prosteries, ligatures, bringing enemas back, and gunpowder treatment
  • What was the situation before Ambroise Paré's contributions to surgery?

    Boiling oil was used to warm wounds
  • What methods did Ambroise Paré revive and develop in his work?
    • Revived old methods to stop bleeding
    • Introduced ligatures
    • Created antiseptic cream
  • What was the short-term impact of Ambroise Paré's antiseptic methods?

    Less soldiers died and experienced less pain
  • What did Ambroise Paré develop that contributed to surgery?
  • What limitations were associated with Ambroise Paré's work?
    His ideas supported vesalius rather than galen
  • What was the long-term impact of Ambroise Paré's work on attitudes towards medicine?

    There was a change in attitude to try new things