william harvey

Cards (8)

  • What are the specific years associated with William Harvey's life?

    1578 - 1657
  • What is William Harvey most known for?

    Blood circulation
  • What did people believe about anatomy before Harvey's work?
    They believed in Vesalius' anatomy of the body but galens blood circulation theory
  • What were the main points of William Harvey's work
    • Proved blood circulation
  • What was the short-term impact of Harvey's work on blood circulation?

    It didn't save any lives
  • What was the long-term impact of Harvey's work on medicine?

    It helped modern medicine, particularly blood transfusion
  • What limitation did Harvey face regarding the publication of his work?

    He didn't publish his work for 21 years as he couldn't prove why blood circulated
  • What factors hindered William Harvey's discoveries?
    • Did not know why blood circulated
    • Did not understand why blood moved from arteries to veins
    • Did not know why blood in arteries was a different color from blood in veins