john hunter

Cards (10)

  • Who trained a lot of people in the field of medicine?
    John Hunter
  • Who did John Hunter teach?

    Edward Jenner
  • What title did John Hunter hold?

    King's Doctor
  • What was one of John Hunter's contributions to surgery?

    He saved a man's leg instead of amputating it.
  • What major book did John Hunter publish in 1771?

    • "The Natural History of Teeth"
    • Used for dentistry
  • What unethical practice did John Hunter engage in to obtain bodies?

    He paid gang members to steal bodies.
  • What controversial experiment did John Hunter conduct on himself?

    He injected himself with gonorrhea.
  • What was one of John Hunter's significant contributions to surgery?

    He found a new way to treat conditions instead of amputation.
  • short term impacts of john hunter
    tumor removal, new surgery
  • long term impacts of john hunter
    encuraged people to be more scientific and experimental