edward jenner

Cards (10)

  • Who is the key individual known for vaccination against smallpox?
    Edward Jenner
  • In which year did Edward Jenner conduct his vaccination work?

  • What is Edward Jenner most known for?

    Vaccination for smallpox
  • What was the situation before Jenner's vaccination method?

    • Innoculation involved spreading pox from a smallpox spot into a cut in a healthy person.
  • What was Jenner's key discovery regarding cowpox and smallpox?

    • If a person had cowpox, they could not get smallpox.
  • Who was the first person to receive cowpox in Jenner's experiment?
    James Phipps
  • What did Jenner do after giving James Phipps cowpox?

    He gave him smallpox, and he was fine.
  • What was the short-term impact of Jenner's work?

    • Reduction in death rates from smallpox.
  • What was the long-term impact of Jenner's work?

    • Improved vaccination methods over time.
  • What were some limitations to Jenner's work?
    • Innoculators lost money.
    • Opposition from religious groups.
    • Lack of understanding of how it worked.