Perfect Competition

Cards (9)

  • Characteristics
    • Many buyers and sellers
    • Sellers are price takers
    • Free market entry and exit
    • Perfect knowledge
    • Homogenous goods
    • Firms are short-run profit maximisers
    • FoP perfectly mobile
    • No collusion
  • Can supernormal profit / loss occur in both the long run and short run?
  • Can normal profit occur in both the long run and short run?
  • What is required for profit maximisation
    MC = MR
  • What represents profit/loss per unit
    Distance between AR and AC
  • Benefits of perfect competition
    • MC = P (firms are allocatively efficient)
    • AC minimised (firms are productively efficient)
    • Consumer welfare is maximised at lowest unit cost possible
  • P<MC results in a social loss (reduction in welfare) so it isn't worth producing beyond P=MC , P>MC results in increased welfare from each extra unit so it is worth increasing production to P=MC
  • What is the condition for supernormal profit
    AR > AC
  • Allocative Efficiency
    When resources are allocated in such a way that society's welfare is maximised