Biological approach

Cards (8)

  • Neurochemical
    The chemical processes occuring in the nervous system. For example, the actions of neurotransmitters within the brain
  • What is a gene
    They are biochemical units of heredity that make up chromosomes. They are segments of DNA molecules that code physical features. For example eye colour and psychological features
  • Concordance rates
    The extent to which both twins share the same characteristic
  • Genotypes
    A person's unique genetic make - up that is coded in their chromosomes and fixed at conception.
  • Phenotype
    The expression of a genotype is influenced by environmental factors and becomes a person's phenotype
  • Evolution
    Gradual changes in an inherited characteristic of a species over many generations
  • Natural selection
    The way that any genetically determined bevaiour that enhances the ability to survive and reproduce will continue in future generations
  • A01 - Humans are biological organisms made up of physicological processes