Psychology - Research Methods

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    • What is a lab experiment in psychology?

      A lab experiment is a research method where the researcher exerts high control over the experimental process.
    • Why do researchers control environmental factors in lab experiments?

      To clearly observe and measure the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
    • What are extraneous variables in a lab experiment?

      Extraneous variables are environmental factors that could affect the outcome of the experiment.
    • What is the purpose of using a standardised procedure in lab experiments?

      To ensure replicability and reliability of the research findings.
    • What must be kept constant in a lab experiment?

      All variables except the independent variable must be kept constant.
    • How does keeping all variables constant affect the dependent variable?

      It allows the dependent variable to be measured exactly using quantitative data.
    • What are the strengths and limitations of lab experiments?

      • High control allows for cause and effect conclusions.
      • Standardised procedures increase reliability.

      • Demand characteristics may impair validity.
      • Often lacks ecological validity due to artificial settings.
    • What is a field experiment in psychology?

      A field experiment is conducted in a natural setting with less control over the experimental process.
    • What is an example of a field experiment?
      A confederate pretends to collapse on a subway train to measure how many people help.
    • What types of data can field experiments collect?

      Field experiments can collect both quantitative and qualitative data.
    • What are the strengths and limitations of field experiments?

      • Higher ecological validity due to real-life settings.
      • Reduced demand characteristics as participants are unaware of being studied.

      • Harder to control extraneous variables.
      • More difficult to randomly assign participants.
    • What is a natural experiment?

      A natural experiment uses naturally occurring phenomena without manipulating the independent variable.
    • What is an example of a natural experiment?

      Comparing digit-span recall between young and older people.
    • What is a limitation of natural experiments?

      It is difficult to establish a cause and effect relationship due to uncontrolled variables.
    • What are the strengths and limitations of natural experiments?

      • Allows research in areas where controlled experiments cannot.
      • High external validity due to natural settings.

      • Difficult to replicate the same situation.
      • Many uncontrolled variables may affect outcomes.
    • What are the main categories of psychological disorders mentioned in the study material?
      Phobias, Depression, OCD, and Schizophrenia
    • What are the key components of the Behavioural Treatments of Phobias?

      • Exposure therapy
      • Systematic desensitization
      • Flooding
    • What are the characteristics of Depression?

      Persistent sadness, loss of interest, and fatigue
    • What are the cognitive explanations of Depression?

      • Negative thought patterns
      • Cognitive distortions
      • Learned helplessness
    • What are the cognitive treatments of Depression?
      • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
      • Challenging negative thoughts
      • Behavioral activation
    • What are the characteristics of OCD?

      Obsessions and compulsions
    • What are the biological explanations of OCD?

      • Genetic factors
      • Neurotransmitter imbalances
      • Brain structure abnormalities
    • What are the biological treatments of OCD?
      • SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors)
      • Antidepressants
      • Psychosurgery (in severe cases)
    • What are the main approaches in Psychology?
      1. Learning Approaches
      2. Cognitive Approach
      3. Biological Approach
      4. Psychodynamic Approach
      5. Humanistic Psychology
    • What are the key components of the Behaviourist Approach?

      • Classical conditioning
      • Operant conditioning
      • Reinforcement and punishment
    • What is the significance of Skinner's research?

      • Demonstrated operant conditioning
      • Introduced reinforcement schedules
      • Showed the impact of consequences on behavior
    • What is Social Learning Theory?

      • Learning through observation
      • Imitation of role models
      • Influence of social context on behavior
    • What are the key components of the Cognitive Approach?

      • Study of internal mental processes
      • Role of schemas
      • Emergence of cognitive neuroscience
    • What is the role of schemas in the Cognitive Approach?

      • Mental frameworks for organizing information
      • Influence perception and memory
      • Guide behavior and expectations
    • What is the Biological Approach in Psychology?

      • Focus on genetic influences
      • Study of biological structures and neurochemistry
      • Examination of genotype and phenotype
    • What is the Psychodynamic Approach?

      • Emphasizes the role of the unconscious
      • Structure of personality (id, ego, superego)
      • Defense mechanisms and psychosexual stages
    • What is Humanistic Psychology?

      • Focus on free will and self-actualization
      • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
      • Influence on counseling psychology
    • What are the components of the Nervous System?

      • Central Nervous System (CNS)
      • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
      • Sensory, relay, and motor neurons
    • What is synaptic transmission?

      • Process of neurotransmitter release
      • Communication between neurons
      • Involves synapses
    • What is the function of the Endocrine System?

      • Regulates hormones
      • Controls bodily functions
      • Influences behavior and mood
    • What is the Fight or Flight Response?

      • Physiological reaction to stress
      • Prepares body for action
      • Involves adrenaline release
    • What are the types of biological rhythms?
      • Circadian rhythms
      • Infradian rhythms
      • Ultradian rhythms
    • What are the features of scientific research methods?
      • Experimental method
      • Observational techniques
      • Self-report techniques
    • What is the purpose of a hypothesis in research?

      • Testable prediction
      • Guides research design
      • Basis for experimentation
    • What are the ethical considerations in psychological research?

      • Informed consent
      • Confidentiality
      • Debriefing
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