Atavistic Theory

    Cards (12)

    • Lombroso suggested that criminals were ‘genetic throwbacks’ - a primitive subspecies who were biologically different from non-criminals.
    • Lombroso suggested that genetic throwbacks lacked evolutionary development, they would find it difficult to adjust to the demands of civilised society and would inevitably turn to crime. Crime, therefore, was rooted in the genes of those who engage in it.
    • Lombroso suggested that crime was rooted in genes and in proposing that offending behaviour was innate (a new perspective on crime), Lombroso suggested that an offender was not to blame for their actions.
    • Lombroso believed that the criminal subtype could be identified certain ‘physical markers’ that could be linked to certain crimes.
    • What were some cranial characteristics suggested by Lombroso that offenders had?
      An asymmetrical face and a hooked nose.
    • What were some other physical characteristics suggested by Lombroso that offenders had other than cranial ones?
      Dark skin and extra nipples.
    • What are the criminal specific characteristics for murderers?
      Bloodshot eyes, curly hair and long ears
    • What are the criminal specific characteristics for fraudsters?
      Lips that are thin and 'reedy'.
    • What was the aim of Lombroso's key study?
      To identify distinguishing physcial features among criminals, which set them apart as offenders based on biological principles.
    • What was the method of Lombroso's key study?
      Lombroso examined the facial and cranial features of hundreds of Italian convicts, both living and dead. In all, Lombroso examined the skulls of 383 dead convicts and 3839 living ones.
    • What were the results of Lombroso's key study?
      Some common findings from Lombroso’s investigation included; sloping brow (which according to Lombroso indicated low intelligence levels), pronounced jaw, high cheekbones, large ears, extra nipples, toes and fingers.
    • What was the conclusion of Lomboso's key study?
      Lombroso concluded that there was an ‘atavistic form’, and that these characteristics were key indicators of criminality. He claimed that 40% of criminal acts were committed by people with atavistic characteristics.