
Cards (19)

  • Short term memory definition (STM)

    memory for immediate events
  • Long term memory definition (LTM)

    memory for events that have happened in the past
  • Duration definition

    a measure of how long memory lasts before it is no longer available
  • Coding definition
    the format in which information is stored in the various memory stores
  • Capacity definition
    how much information can be held in a memory store
  • STM duration experiment (procedure)

    Peterson & Peterson (1959)
    - 24 undergraduate students
    - 8 trials
    - trigram (consonants) + reciting a 3 digit number backwards
    - recall trigram after retention intervals of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 seconds
  • evaluation of studies (acronym + what it is)

    G: generalisation eg age, gender, culture etc.
    R: reliability-is it repeatable? was it repeated?
    A: application-does it provide evidence? in life?
    V: validity-any external distractions? representative?
    E: ethics- was this consensual? how did researchers address this?
    M: mundane realism- is this applicable to everyday life? artificial task? how was this studied.
  • STM capacity experiment (procedure)

    Jacobs (1887)
    -digit span test
    - 4 digits, then 5, then 6, then 7 etc.. (gets longer)
  • STM capacity experiment (results)

    - average span for digits: 9.3 items
    - average span for letters: 7.3 items
  • STM capacity experiment (results) - psychological research

    Miller (1956)
    - reviewed psychological research into STM
    - STM: 7 (+/- 2) items
    - (5-9 items)
  • Chunking definition
    grouping items into units/chunks helps aid recall
    (e.g phone calls)
  • Sensory Register (MSM)

    coding - depends on the sense involved
    eyes = iconic memory
    sound = echoic memory
    capacity - high
    duration - less than half a second
  • STM (MSM) - coding capacity and duration
    coding - acoustic
    capacity - 5-9 items
    duration - less than 30 seconds
  • LTM (MSM) - coding capacity and duration
    coding - semantic
    capacity - unlimited
    duration - lifetime
  • Case of KF
    Tim Shallice and Elizabeth Warrington (1970)

    - amnesic patient suffered brain damage from motorcycle accident
    - LTM remained fairly intact but STM was damaged
    - digit span of 2 items
    - digit span when presented visually it was better (basically normal) but worse when acoustically given
    - shows there are two types of STM; one to process visual material and one to process auditory material

    Shallice and Warrington (1974)
    - KF STM for non-verbal sounds eg noises was intact therefore this showed there are three types of STM
    - one for verbal and one for non-verbal sounds
    - spatial memory; it appears that in other studies of amnesic patients that these forms of memory may be separate
    - this there are three types of STM; verbal, visual, spatial
  • Explanations for forgetting - Interference
    when one memory disrupts the ability to recall another - more likely to happen in memories are similar
  • Proactive interference
    past/old memories disrupt recall of newer memories
  • Retroactive interference
    new memories disrupt recall of past/older memories
  • Anxiety
    an unpleasant emotional state likely caused by stress, resulting in physiological arousal (increased heart rate , blood pressure, breathing and sweatiness)