Moral Reasoning

Cards (9)

  • Kohlberg applied concepts of moral reasoning to criminal behaviour.
    Moral reasoning becomes more complex and abstract as we age. It is usually complete by the age of 9-10, suggesting that the more sophisticated the level of moral reasoning, the higher the stage of moral development.
  • What were Kohlberg's three levels of moral reasoning?
    1. Level 1: Preconventional Reasoning.
    2. Level 2: Conventional Reasoning.
    3. Level 3: Postconventional Reasoning.
  • What is the preconventional level of moral reasoning?
    In this level an action is perceived to be morally wrong if the person who commits it is punished as a result (most common in children) and so the right behaviour is the one that is in your own best interest.
  • What is the conventional level of moral reasoning?
    In this level the right behaviour is the one that makes other people think positively of you, it's important to obey laws and follow social conventions because they help society to function properly.
  • What is the postconventional level of moral reasoning?
    In this level the right course of action is the one that promotes the greatest good for the greatest number of people, actions are driven by abstract, universal principles of right and wrong which do not depend on the situation.
  • Kohlberg et al conducted research with moral dilemmas and found that violent youths were at a significantly lower level of moral reasoning than non-violent youths even after controlling for social background.
  • Kohlberg suggests through development we pass through three levels of moral reasoning, at each level we demonstrate greater moral maturity. Criminal behaviour is more likely in people who don’t reach higher levels of moral reasoning
  • Criminals are argued to be stuck at the first pre-conventional level, at this level morality is considered in terms of how their actions affect them. There are two stages, stage 1 is Punishment orientation, correct behaviour is whatever will help them avoid punishment, so criminal behaviour will happen if they feel they can get away with crime. Stage 2 is Reward orientation, correct behaviour is whatever will be most rewarding, so criminal behaviour will happen if they feel the reward outweighs the risk.
  • Criminal behaviour is less likely if people are in the conventional level as they consider what is best for their personal relationships and society or finally the post conventional level as people who consider general moral principles and what is fundamentally right and wrong.