reporting of science

Cards (8)

  • what is an Abstract?
    a summary of the entire investigation you have conducted usually between 150-200 words , (read to know whether the study is worth examining any further )
  • what is introduction ?
    includes information on past research where relevant theories studies or concepts are mentioned .Introduces aims and hypothesis for the study
    (gives background info)
  • what is method section?
    • description of what the researchers exactly did when they undertook the study, and justified .
    • including design sample collected, procedure and ethics. With sufficient detail that someone could read it and replicate the investigation precisely
    • With sufficient detail that someone could read it and replicate the investigation precisely
    (If using qualitative data,categories and themes with examples are provided.)
  • Results - all of the findings from the study presented 
  • Discussion - where the researcher considers what the findings exactly mean for us and for psychological theories 
  • what is Referencing
    • a list of all sources quoted or referred to in the report
  • How to reference a book
    1. The author(s), or editor(s) - by surname and initial(s) in CAPITALS.
    2. The year of publication.
    3. The book title (in italics)
    4. The edition other than the first (if applicable)
    5. The place of publication.
    6. The publisher.
    7. The URL.
  • how to reference a journal?
    1. author(s),
    2. year of publication,
    3. article title (not in italics),
    4. journal name (in italics),
    5. volume number (in italics),
    6. issue number,
    7. page number range of the article.