hollism vs reductionism

    Cards (10)

    • hollism:
      • indivisible system rather than constituent parts - experience only understood when considered as a whole
      • cant predict how system will behave from just individual components
    • reductionism:
      • behaviour explained by breaking down into smaller constituent parts
      • parsimony = phenomena should be explained using simplest lowest level principles
    • biological reductionism:
      • all behaviour is at some level biological, can be explained by neurochemicals + genetic influences - applied to explain mental illness and treatment
    • environmental reductionism:
      • learning occurs through interactions in environment
      • applied to explain learning theory + phobias
    • levels of explanation: different way of explaining the same concept
      • highest: cultural + social explanations
      • middle: psychological (cognitive/behavioural)
      • lowest: biological (lower levels more reductionist)
    • memory levels of explanation:
      • highest: cultural expectations affect what we remember
      • middle: cognitive aspects e.g capacity, types of memories
      • lowest: localisation of memory in the brain
    • attachment levels of explanation:
      • highest: different attachments influences by cultures
      • middles: behavioural = food + attachment as secondary drive
      • lowest: attachment is innate
    • EVALUATION: case against reductionism
      • Welpe developed SD - found no improvement for women with insect fear, man gave her insect nickname
      • not conditioning, marital problems, focus on behaviour would be wrong
      • lower levels of explanation may distract from other levels
    • EVALUATION: case against holism
      • humanistic criticised for lack of empirical evidence
      • higher levels create problems - many factors involved, difficult to establish one as more influential
      • use lower levels for irl problems
    • EVALUATION: biological reductionism
      • led to less institutionalisation + more humane treatment, greater tolerance of the mentally ill
      • not always successful - bio level ignores context + function of behaviour
      • psych explanations take casual factors into account + produced therapies