Cognitive approach

Cards (6)

  • Assumptions
    • human informational processing is similar to a computer, with the info inputs, its stores and retrieves info and has various programmes that determine the response
    • the human mind is studied indirectly by making inferences based on behaviour
    • Well controlled lab studies used
  • Models
    • theoretical models - simplified, abstract diagrams of a cognitive process (e.g msm)
    • computer models - programmes that can be run on a computer to imitate the human mind (e.g ai chatbots)
  • Schemas
    • Ways we organise and store thoughts and info
    • Help us organise info that causes us to predict what’s coming next
    • allows us to take short cuts when dealing with large amounts of info
    • they can distort memory
  • Cognitive neuroscience
    • A discipline that is a combination of multiple disciplines - cognitive psychologists, cognitive science and neuroscience
    • different to cognitive psychology because it considers physiological reasons instead of just psychological.
    • uses brain imaging (PET, MRI and fMRI) to map brain areas to specific cognitive functions
  • Strengths
    • uses scientific and objective methods
    • uses controlled rigorous methods
    • 2 areas of cognitive and biological science come together to enhance scientific basis of study
    • can be applied to real life - helps to treat disorders specifically
  • Weaknesses
    • similarities between human mind and computers but the computer analogy has been criticised (emotion can affect behaviour)
    • use of inference means cognitive psychology can occasionally be too abstract