French avoir tense

    Cards (16)

    • What does the French verb "avoir" mean?

      To have
    • What is the present tense conjugation of "avoir" for "I"?

    • What is the present tense conjugation of "avoir" for "you" (singular, informal)?

      Tu as
    • What is the present tense conjugation of "avoir" for "he/she/one"?

      Il/Elle/On a
    • What is the present tense conjugation of "avoir" for "we"?

      Nous avons
    • What is the present tense conjugation of "avoir" for "you" (plural or formal)?

      Vous avez
    • What is the present tense conjugation of "avoir" for "they"?

      Ils/Elles ont
    • What is the past participle of the regular -er verb "parler"?

    • What is the past participle of "avoir"?

    • How is the past participle "eu" pronounced?

      Like the "u" in "put" in British English.
    • In which compound tenses is the past participle "eu" used?

      • Passé composé: J'ai eu (I have had)
      • Plus-que-parfait: J'avais eu (I had had)
      • Futur antérieur: J'aurai eu (I will have had)
    • What is the structure for forming the passé composé with "avoir"?

      Present tense of avoir + past participle "eu".
    • How would you say "I have had a good weekend" in French?
      J'ai eu un bon week-end.
    • How would you say "You (plural) have had many opportunities" in French?
      Vous avez eu beaucoup d'opportunités.
    • What are some common expressions using "eu"?

      • J'ai eu peur (I was afraid)
      • Nous avons eu de la chance (We were lucky)
    • How would you say "They have had problems with their car" in French?
      Ils ont eu des problèmes avec leur voiture.
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