A study that simulated a prison environment to explore how role-playing affects behavior, with 24 students playing prisoner and guard roles
Prisoners in Zimbardo's Experiment
Became depressed, anxious, and lost their sense of identity
Guards in Zimbardo's Experiment
Became authoritarian, cruel, and sadistic, with some developing a "super" ego
aim of SPE
To investigate how people conform to social roles and he wanted to explore whether the brutality reported in guards was due to personalities or the influence of the social environment
Stanford Prison ExperimentTermination
The experiment was terminated after 6 days due to extreme behaviors, psychological distress, and ethics concerns
Stanford Prison ExperimentDuration
The experiment was terminated after 6 days, from August 14 to August 20, 1971
Stanford Prison Experiment Participant Selection
Participants were selected from Stanford University students, 18-20 years old, with normal personalities and average to above-average intelligence, through random assignment as either prisoners or guards
Stanford Prison Experiment Results
The experiment demonstrated the power of the situation, deindividuation, and the potential for abusive behavior when individuals are given authority, resulting in harm to both prisoners and guards
Stanford Prison Experiment Ethical Concerns
The experiment raised concerns about participant protection, ethics of using vulnerable individuals, informed consent, uncontrolled situational factors, potential for harm, and breaches of human rights