Origins of Psychology

Cards (16)

  • Introspection
    First systematic experimental attempt to study mind
  • Psychology
    Study of mind and behaviour
  • Science
    Getting knowledge through systematic and objective investigations
  • When did Wundt open his lab?

  • Where did Wundt open his lab?

    Leipzig Germany
  • What was Wundt's aim?

    Analyse nature of human consciousness under controlled conditions.
  • What did Wundt's pioneering method became known as?

  • What was Wundt's main objective?

    Try and develop theories about mental processes such as language and perception.
  • What were the three categories Wundt and his co-workers would divide their observation in?

    Thoughts, images and sensations
  • What is one stimuli Wundt would use to gain insight into participants mental processes?

    Ticking mentronome
  • What was Psychology a branch of?

  • What was the problem with introspection?

    Produced subjective data rather than objective so it was very difficult to establish general laws
  • What did Watson and B.F Skinner propose?

    A truly scientific psychology should only study phenomena that can be observed objectively and measured
  • Behaviourists
    • Value of introspection being questioned
    • Introspection produced subjective data
    • Watson and B.F. Skinner
    • Proposed that a truly scientific psychology should only study phenomena that can be observed objectively and measured
  • 1950s Cognitive Approach
    • Digital revolution of 1950s gave a new generation of psychologists a metaphor for studying the mind
    • Cognitive psychologists likened the mind to a computer
    • Tested their predictions about memory and attention using experiments
  • 1980s Biological approaches
    • To investigate physiological processes as they happen
    • The use of sophisticated scanning techniques such as fMRI and EEG to study live activity in the brain