Social Learning Theory

Cards (10)

  • What is Social Learning Theory?
    Assumption that behaviour is learned from the environment through observation and imitation.
  • What is Vicarious reinforcement?
    Occurs through observing someone being reinforced for a behaviour - an example of indirect learning. People are more likely to imitate behaviour if it is seen to be rewarded rather than punished - observes the consequences before deciding whether to imitate.
  • What is identification?
    More likely to imitate the behaviour of people of whom they identify with or look up to - role models. More likely to imitate if seen to possess similar characteristics e.g age, gender or are attractive and have high status.
  • What are the mediational processes?
    • Attention: pay attention to models actions
    • Retention: form a mental representation of how behaviour is performed.
    • Reproduction: transform the mental representation of the behaviour into a physical action.
    • Motivation: needs to be motivated to perform action.
  • What is a key study of the approach?
    Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment
  • What is the method of the Bobo Doll experiment?
    • Young American children individually observe an adult model behaving aggressively towards a Bobo Doll - kicking, punching, verbal outbursts.
    • Children were taken to another room with a Bobo doll and was observed.
    • A control group of children observed an adult model behaving non-aggressively towards the doll.
  • What are the findings of the experiment?
    • Many children who observed aggressive behaviour imitated the behaviour almost a direct copy including phrases.
    • Aggressive behaviour towards the doll by children in the non-aggressive condition was almost non-existent.
    • Supports SLT of aggression
  • What is the research support?
    Bandura's doll experiment - supports SLT assumption of aggression that aggression is observed and imitated.
  • What are practical applications of the theory?
    Age ratings on films - prevent young people from witnessing violence on films, tv and video games to limit their exposure. Badura linked aggression with observation and imitation.
  • What is a limitation of the approach?
    Environmentally reductionist. Biological approach - Bobo's dolls findings can be linked to higher testosterone in boys which is linked to aggression. It only offers a partial explanation of bheaviour.