families (paper one)

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Cards (42)

  • Who conducted the study on the symmetrical family?
    Wilmot and Young
  • What does the term "conjugal roles" refer to?
    The roles of men and women or same-sex partners in a partnership at home
  • What is the dual burden as defined by Anne Oakley?
    The situation for women who work and still manage housekeeping and childcare
  • What is a nuclear family?
    A family consisting of two parents and their children
  • What is the privatized nuclear family as described by Talcott Parsons?
    A family structure where the nuclear family is separated from its wider kin
  • What characterizes the symmetrical family?
    Male and female roles are similar, with both partners contributing to domestic chores
  • What is the triple shift as described in the session?
    The situation where women work, do housework, and also provide emotional support
  • What is the warm bath theory proposed by Talcott Parsons?
    The family helps stabilize adult personalities by removing stress
  • What is a unit of consumption in Marxist sociology?
    A group such as a family that buys and uses goods and services together
  • What are Murdoch's four functions of the family?
    Sexual regulation, education, reproduction, and economic support
  • What are the four stages of family identified by Wilmot and Young?
    Pre-industrial, early industrial, symmetrical, and asymmetrical family
  • What are the four types of family diversity according to Rappaport?
    Cohort, organizational, life course, and cultural/ethnic diversity
  • What is the new rights argument about the decline of the nuclear family?
    They believe the nuclear family is the best family form and its decline causes societal issues
  • What is the significance of the warm bath theory in relation to family roles?
    It emphasizes the emotional support provided by the family
  • How do families serve the interests of capitalism according to Marxist theory?
    Families provide emotional support, reduce complaints about work, and are targeted by advertising
  • How do families reinforce patriarchal values?
    By socializing girls into the housewife role and assigning domestic tasks to women
  • What are the traditionally associated roles of women in the family?
    Unpaid domestic labor, childcare, and emotional labor
  • What is the definition of gender roles?
    The roles that individuals are expected to fulfill based on their socialized gender identity
  • What term describes the division of labor in the home according to Wilmot and Young?
  • According to feminist Delphine Leonard, which term is not a feature of gender roles?
  • What does Anne Oakley mean by the dual burden?
    Women work outside the home but still manage most domestic chores
  • Who benefits from gender-specific roles in the home according to Marxist Saretsky?
  • What is canalization in the context of gender roles?
    Giving children toys that socialize them into gender roles
  • What are three benefits of the nuclear family according to functionalists?
    Primary socialization, emotional stability, and role models
  • What are three issues with the nuclear family according to feminists?
    Reinforcement of the dual burden, canalization, and men's benefits from traditional setups
  • Are functionists criticized for focusing on traditional family values?
  • Do functionists claim that dysfunction in the family does not exist?
    No, they recognize dysfunctional elements
  • Do Marxists suggest that the family serves the needs of the patriarchy?
    No, they focus on capitalism
  • Do feminists criticize other theorists for ignoring the oppression of women?
  • Do feminists argue that divorce is a result of increasing expectations of relationships?
  • What is a traditional nuclear family favored by functionalists?
    A family form consisting of a male breadwinner and a female homemaker
  • What is a single-parent family criticized by the new right?
    A family form where one parent raises the children
  • What does family diversity refer to?
    Lots of different types of families
  • What is cohabitation?
    Two adults living together who are not married
  • What is a boomerang family?
    A family where grown-up children return to live with their parents