research methods

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  • How is quantitative data characterized?
    Quantitative data is presented in numerical form and is more objective in nature.
  • What is qualitative data often presented in?
    Qualitative data is often presented in written, verbal, or visual formats.
  • What do sociologists seek to understand through qualitative data?
    Sociologists seek to understand the meanings and motivations behind people's behaviors through qualitative data.
  • Which group of sociologists prefers quantitative data?
    Positivists prefer quantitative data as it helps observe social facts and establish trends.
  • Why do interpretivists prefer qualitative data?
    Interpretivists prefer qualitative data to explore meanings and motivations expressed in words and images.
  • What is a characteristic of methods that produce quantitative data?
    Methods that produce quantitative data tend to be more structured and allow for an objective viewpoint.
  • What types of experiments produce quantitative data?
    Both lab or controlled experiments and field experiments usually produce quantitative data.
  • What is the role of the independent variable in experiments?
    The independent variable is manipulated in experiments to measure the dependent variable.
  • How are questionnaires used to produce quantitative data?
    Questionnaires produce quantitative data when questions are pre-coded with a finite number of responses.
  • What is the purpose of official statistics?
    Official statistics are compiled to provide quantitative data for social trends and government planning.
  • How is quantitative data used by governments?
    Quantitative data is used by governments to report social trends and plan budgets for departments.
  • What types of qualitative methods?
    Qualitative methods include participant observations, unstructured interviews, and open-ended questionnaires.
  • What is the advantage of using qualitative data?
    The advantage of using qualitative data is gaining insight into different perceptions and motivations behind behavior.
  • How do secondary sources contribute to qualitative research?
    Secondary sources provide insights into lives and attitudes that other methods may not reveal.
  • What is methodological pluralism?
    Methodological pluralism is the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to enhance research validity and reliability.
  • What does Willis's "Learning to Labor" study illustrate?
    Willis's study illustrates the use of mixed methods, including questionnaires and unstructured interviews, to explore working-class boys' experiences.
  • Why is combining qualitative and quantitative methods beneficial?
    Combining methods increases the validity of qualitative data and the reliability of quantitative data.
  • What are the key differences between quantitative and qualitative data?
    • Quantitative data: numerical, objective, structured, allows for statistical analysis.
    • Qualitative data: contextual, subjective, open to interpretation, provides insights into experiences and meanings.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative methods?
    Strengths of quantitative methods:
    • Objective and reliable
    • Can identify trends and patterns
    • Easier to replicate

    Weaknesses of quantitative methods:
    • May overlook individual experiences
    • Less depth in understanding motivations

    Strengths of qualitative methods:
    • Provides in-depth insights
    • Captures individual perspectives

    Weaknesses of qualitative methods:
    • More time-consuming
    • Harder to replicate findings
  • How can qualitative methods inform quantitative research?
    • Qualitative methods can provide context and understanding behind quantitative findings.
    • They can help formulate hypotheses for quantitative studies.
    • Qualitative insights can enhance the interpretation of quantitative data.