Traumatic events from childhood are repressed into the unconscious mind, hidden from conscious awareness to protect from anxiety.
What is the structure of personality?
The personality has 3 parts - the ID, the ego and the supergo.
What is the ID?
The pleasure principle, present at birth, drives us to selfish urges
What is the ego?
Reality principle - the mediator to reduce conflict between the id and superego (uses defence mechanisms to deal with this), develops at 2
What is the superego?
Our internalised sense of right and wrong - the morality principle and develops at end of phallic stage (age 5)
What are defence mechanisms?
Unconscious strategies to reduce anxiety to manage the conflict between the id and superego. (repression, displacement, denial)
What is repression?
unconscious concealment of uncomfortable thoughts in the unconscious - protects emotional wellbeing
what is displacement?
transferring feelings from their true source onto a substitute target.
what is denial?
refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality.
What are the psychosexual stages of development?
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genital
What is the oral stage?
The infant experiences pleasure through their mouth - fixation on smoking, biting nails.
What is the anal stage?
pleasure is in the anus from withholding and expelling faeces.
What is the phallic stage?
Focus of pleasure is the genital area
What is the latency stage?
Earlier sexual conflicts are repressed/forgotten
What is the genital stage?
Sexual desires become conscious alongside the onset of puberty.
What is the Oedipus complex?
Involved a boy, aged between 3 and 6, becoming unconsciously sexually attached to his mother and hostile towards the father.
What is the electra complex?
A girl, aged between 3 and 6, becoming unconsciousLily sexually attached to her father and increasingly hostile toward her mother.
Why are Freud’s concept untestable and unfalsifiable?
Concepts such as the ID and Oedipus complex occur at an unconscious level - impossible to test experimentally - a pseudoscience (Karl Popper)
What is the practical applications of the approach?
Psychoanalysis - form of therapy, techniques access the unconscious (hypnosis, dream analysis) - however harmful for schizophrenia
Why is Little Hans case study idiographic and what does that mean?
Little Hans has a displaced phobia of his father, aim was to bring unconscious mental activity to the conscious to release anxiety. Cannot be generalised!