
Cards (19)

  • hydraulic action is the force of water hitting the river bed and banks
  • abrasion is when sediments carried by the water hit the river bed and river banks
  • attrition is when stones carried by the river hit into eachother
  • corrosion is when chemicals in the water dissolves the rocks
  • solution is when sediments are dissolved in water
  • suspension are sediments carried by the water
  • saltation is when sediments bounce on the river beds
  • traction is when sediiments roll on the river bed
  • The Hjulström Curve tells us the size of material that can be carried by a river of a certain velocity
  • erosional landforms in the upper course
    • waterfalls
    • gorges
    • v-shaped valleys
    • interlocking spurs
  • v shaped valley
    • upper course
    • vertical erosion
    • deep river banks collaps into the river channel
  • interlocking spurs
    • areas of hard rock are too hard to erode so the river flows around it
  • meander
    • middle course
    • the river flowing outside the bend travels faster ( thalweg ) than inside the bend
    • theres a faster rate of erosion near the thalweg
    • inside the bend the river deposits material
  • oxbow lakes
    • middle course
    • loop of two meanders erode until they meet
    • river flows through new gap
    • old meander slows down and deposits material
  • depositional landforms
    • floodplains
    • levees
    • estuaries
    • mud flats and salt marshes
  • physical factors of floods
    • relief of the drainage baisin (steep , increases surface run off so reduces lag time )
    • heavy rainfall
    • prolonged rainfall
    • geology
  • human factors of floods
    • urban areas
    • farmin practices
    • deforestation
  • hard engineering
    • channel straightening
    • flood relief channels
    • raised embankments
    • dams and tidal barriages
  • soft engineering
    • land use zoning
    • warning and preparation
    • afforestation
    • dredging
    • river restoration