Play written for King James 1 (England's new King)because he wanted to celebrate a visit from the king'sbrother-in-law, the king of Denmark
King James was Shakespeare'spatron. James considered himself an expertonwitchcraft.
In order to please his patron, Shakespeare used supernaturalelements-witches in Macbeth
When Queen Elizabeth 1 died, James 5 of Scotland became KingJames1 of England. This unified both countries.
Queen Elizabeth 1 had nosuccessor to her throne. She chose James5 of Scotland to succeedher.
Queen Elizabeth I made James 5 of Scothland king because shefeltbad and tocoverthefactthatshekilledhismom.
Macbeth was written as an attribute to King James I
Divine Right of Kings - Doctrine which stated kings derived their authoritydirectly from God and could not be questioned or heldaccount for their actions by any earthly authority. Going against the authority of a king was sacrilegiour
The Great Chain of Being - everything in the universe had its "place" in a divineplannedhierarchicalorder pictured as a chainverticallyextended
The Great Chan of Being - The less "spirit" and more "matter," down it stood.
The Great Chain of Being - It must be restored to end chaos. An attemp to order Chain of Bein upset universe, causing chaos.
Great Chain of Being - 1. God 2. Monarchy, UpperRoyalty, LowerRoyalty 3. Peasants, Animals, Plants 4. Witches 5. Lucifer/Satan