Atypical sex chromosome patterns

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  • Atypical sex chromosome patterns are any seX chromosome pattern that deviates from the usual XX and XY pattern. This tends to be associated with a distinct pattern of physical and psychological symptoms
  • Klinefelter’s syndrome affects 1 in 600 biological males and it’s when an individual's genotype has an extra X chromosome, creating a XXY structure
  • Physical characteristics of Klinefelter’s syndrome includes lack of body hair, underdeveloped genitals and breast development (gynecomastia)
  • Psychological characteristics of Klinefelter’s syndrome includes lack poor language and reading development, being shy, lack of interest in sexual activity and not responding well to stressful situations.
  • Turner's syndrome affects 1 in 5000 females and it‘s when an individual is missing one X chromosome so they have an XO chromosome structure and have only 45 chromosomes rather than 46
  • Physical characteristics of Turner’s syndrome includes no developed ovaries, infertile, broad shield chest, webbed neck and physically immature
  • Psychological characteristics of Turner’s syndrome include higher than average reading ability, socially immature and experience difficulty fitting in