Types of Experiments

Cards (10)

  • Laboratory Experiment Weaknesses

    - ecological validity is low as results cannot be applied to real life scenarios
    - participants may display demand characteristics
    - researcher may cause experiment bias
  • Laboratory Experiment Strengths

    - high degree of control over extraneous variables (HIGH INTERNAL VALIDITY)
    - cause and effect can be established as all variables are controlled
    - replicable due to being done in a controlled setting with a procedure
  • Field Experiment Strengths

    - high ecological validity as the study is placed in a real life setting meaning it can be generalised
    - demand characteristics are reduced as participants are usually unaware that they are being studied
    - cause and effect can be established as the change in theDV is a result of the manipulation of the IV
  • Field Experiment Weaknesses

    - lack of internal validity as there may be confounding variables that were unable to be controlled
    - the study is unreliable due to the lack of standardisation
    - the participant may be unaware they are being studied causing ethical issues
  • Natural Experiment Strengths

    - high external validity due to being studied on real-life issues and problems as they occur
    - practical and ethical reasons state that this is the best method to use in certain situations
  • Natural Experiment Weaknesses

    - lack of internal validity due to there being confounding variables unable to be controlled
    - lack of reliability as a naturally occurring event may only happen very rarely
  • Quasi Experiment Strengths

    - practical strength as there is no requirement to set up an artificial environment
    - high external validity because they involve the study of real life issues and problems as the occur
  • Quasi Experiment Strengths

    - lack of reliability since it relies on on naturally occurring conditions or specific groups (unable to be replicated)
    - lack of internal validity as the lack of random assignment increases the risk of confounding variables being responsible for the observed effects
  • Natural Experiment
    Researcher takes advantage of naturally occurring events to investigate independent variable on dependant variable
  • Quasi Experiment
    An experiment in which investigators make use of control and experimental groups that already exist in the world at large. Lacks random assignment