
Cards (10)

  • Structured Interviews
    The interviewer asks predetermined questions for all those interviewed
  • Structured Interviews strengths
    Possible to compare responses
    and identify trends.
    • More replicable hence reliable than unstructured.
  • Structured Interviews Limitations

    • Lack internal validity - can never be sure
    they are measuring what they think they are measuring.
    • Presence of interviewer can influence answers.
    • No scope for exploring interesting topics that may come up during interview.
  • Unstructured Interviews
  • Unstructured Interviews Strengths
    Depth and detail to feelings and emotions of the participants.
    Validity if trust exists
  • Unstructured Interviews Limitations

    • Lacks replicability and reliability.
    • Considered to be too subjective as results are based on the interpretations of the researcher.
  • Semi-structured interviews
    These will start with some predetermined questions, but also allow for further questions to be developed as the interview goes on.
  • Semi-structured interviews Strengths

    • The responses to the predetermined questions are comparable, but the development of further questions allows interesting topics / ideas to be investigated.
    • This is also called the clinical interview and is used by clinicians such as GPs.
  • Design of Interviews - questions

    • Wording of the questions - may trigger a social desirability response.
    Open or closed questions
    • Start with basic factual questions as the interviewee is less likely to provide detailed information - leave questions that require more detail until later in the interview when the participant is more relaxed
  • Design of Interviews - characteristics of the interviewer
    Age, gender and ethnicity of the interviewer may influence responses
    Interviewing skills - training is needed to enable the interviewer to build a rapport