
Cards (16)

  • Zimbardo’s aim was to see if people would conform to social roles and what happens when you put a good person in a bad environment.
    1. Zimbardo used volunteer sampling to get 24 male participants then did random sampling to give 12 participants the role of guard and the other 12 the role of prisoner.
  • 2. The guards were called in the set up and design the mock prison
  • 3. The prisoners were arrested and taken to the mock prison, blind folded and strip searched.
  • 4. The prisoners were stuck to a daily routine and guards were out on shifts
  • 5. The prisoners were dehumanised and called by numbers not names and the guards were deindividuated by called by only last names.
  • Zimbardo became too involved with the experiment and left it too long before finishing the observation as 5 prisoners were released within the first 36 hours due to mental breakdowns
  • The observation was supposed to be 2 weeks long however it was shortened to 6 days due to psychological issues
  • Zimbardo’s study caused both physical and psychological harm to the prisoners as they were tortured and mentallly abused
  • Only 1/4 of the guards were abusive
  • Zimbardo’s observation has good external validity due to the Nazi regime and Abu Grahib.
  • The observation lacks mundane realism as it was filmed meaning the participants could be “acting up” for the camera.
  • It has high internal validity as it was in a controlled situation.
  • Zimbardo had no informed consent within the observation as they did not know about getting arrested.
  • Examples of abuse:
    • Sexually assaulted
    • Shouted at and called “bastards”
    • Continuous press ups
    • Picking nettles out of bed sheets
    • Clean toilets with bare hands
  • Zimbardo’s study was an observation not an experiment