LA : Social Learning Theory

Cards (6)

  • What does imitations mean?

    Copying the behaviours of others
  • What does vicarious reinforcement mean?

    Reinforcement which is not directly experienced but occurs through observing someone else being reinforced for a behaviour
  • What does mediational process mean?

    Cognitive factors that influence learning and come between stimulus and response
  • What is social learning theory often described at?

    Described as the 'bridge' between behaviourists learning theory and the cognitive approach because it focuses on how cognitive factors are involved in learning
  • What are the four mediational processes?

    • Attention - extent to which we notice certain behaviours
    • Retention - How well behaviour is remembered
    • Motor reproduction - Ability of the observer to perform the behaviour
    • Motivation - Will to perform the behaviour - often determined by whether the behaviour was rewarded or punished
  • What is one strength of the social learning theory?

    Recognises the importance of cognitive factors in learning