GDP is the standard measure of output, which allows us to compare countries. It is a value of all goods and services produced in a country within a year.
Gross national income is the value of goods and services produced by a country over a period of time plus net overseas interest payments and dividends.
Gross national product is the value of goods and services over a period of time through labour or property supplied by citizens of a country both domestically and overseas.
Purchasing power parity ‐ The exchange rate between two currencies that reflects the relative purchasing power of the two currencies.
Problems with GDP:
Inaccuracy of data - doesnt take into account black markets, home produced goods, and errors in calculting the inflation rate
Inequalities - an increase in GDP may be because of one groups income and therefore not representative.
Quality of goods and services
Comparing different countries
Inflation is the general price level increasing in the economy which erods the purchasing power of money.
Deflation is the fall of prices and indicates a slow down in the rate of growth of output in the economy.
Disinflation is a reduction in the rate of inflation
Problems with inflation:
Erodes the value of money, savings and wages
Uncertainty leads to lower consumers and business confidence
Less internationally competitive so leads to fewer experts : Consists of menu costs, show leather costs and political and psychological costs.
Positives of claimant count
Easy and cheap to collect (JSA + UC)
Negatives of claimant count
May be susceptible to policial manipulation
Excludes people who are out of work
Positives of international labour org (ILO)
More accurate
Based on international standards
Negatives of international labour org (ILO)
More costly to compile
Only need to work for 1 hour to qualify
Time lag
Seasonal unemployment solution?
Diversification in jobs
Frictional unemployment solution?
Internet - allowing to find new jobs
geographicalunemployment solution?
transportation / telecommunication / Mobility
Allows workers to travel to get a job
structural unemploymentsolution?
Education and training
Real wageunemployment solution
Causes : minimum wage and trade unions with deflation.
Impact on workers when unemployed:
Loss of income
Fall in living standards
Pyshcological and social costs
Loss of skills
Less attractive to potential future employer.
Impact on firms when unemployed:
fall in the demand for goods and services
fall in demand further back along the supply chain
Decrease in profit
Impact on Government when unemployed:
Increase in welfare spending
fall in tax revenue: income, corporation and vat tax
Increase in government borrowing
Political pressure
Impact on economy when unemployed:
Loss in GDP
Under utilisation of factor inputs
Define hysterisis
When a deep recession not only damages actual growth but also potential growth.
Pros of Migration
Economic growth
Flexible labour market
fill job vacancies
working migrants provide a net fiscal benefit
cons of Migration
Potential fall in real wages
Increased pressure on local public services
Dependents can be a fiscal drag
under - employment
The underemployed are those who are in part time or zero hour contracts when they would prefer to be full time and people who are self-employed but would rather be employees.
Significance of changes in activity:
Increases in inactivity will decrease the size of the labour force, therefore causing a fall in productive potential of the country. There will be a lower GDP and lower tax revenues as less people are working.
However, decreases in inactivity could just result in more people being unemployed if there are no jobs available to them.
The current balance = Balance of trade + Balance of invisibles + Net income and current
The balance of payments is a record of all financial dealings over a period of time between economic agents of one country and all other countries. Imports are when goods/services come in, so money goes out. Exports are when money comes in, so the good/service goes out.
Trade in goods: These are known as visibles because you can physically see them. They are goods that are traded, whether raw materials or finished goods. The difference between visible exports and visible imports is known as the balance of trade.
Trade in services: These are services traded in or out of the country, known as invisibles.
Governments tend to have four main objectives: low unemployment, low and stable inflation, economic growth at a similar rate to other economies and a balance of payment equilibrium, including current account balance.