Variations in Milgram's Research

Cards (5)

  • Situational variables vs psychological variables
  • Three types of proximity conditions
    • proximity
    • touch proximity
    • remote instruction
  • Proximity
    • if in the same room - 40%
    • the leader has to force learners hands-on - 30% (personal responsibility increase)
    • experimenter left the room and gave instructions - 20.5%
  • How can you vary location?
    • When Milgram concluded in a rundown building rather than at Yale University obedience falls to 47.5%
  • Uniform
    • in field experiment in New York, Bickman (1974)
    • had 3 confederates dressed in 3 different outfits
    • Jacket and tie/milkman and security guard uniform
    • confederate stood in the street and order people to pick up litter or give him money for the parking ticket
    • People 2x more likely to obey the assistant dressed as security guard