variables and hypothesis

    Cards (9)

    • What does operationalise mean in research?

      Ensuring that variables are accurately measured in order to replicate
    • What is the independent variable (IV)?

      Manipulated variable
    • What is the dependent variable (DV)?

      Measured variable
    • What does extraneous variable (EV) refer to?

      Any variable other than the IV that affects the DV
    • What is a hypothesis in research?

      A prediction/statement of what you expect to find in your research, it must be testable
    • What does the null hypothesis state?

      There is no difference/relationship between the variables
    • What does the alternative hypothesis state?

      There is a difference/relationship between the variables
    • What is a directional hypothesis?

      It states the direction that the variables will go - that one IV will impact the DV over another
    • What is a non-directional hypothesis?

      It states that there will be a difference/relationship between the variables but is unsure what the direction will be
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