Di & polysacchride

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  • What 3 disaccharides are there?

    maltose, sucrose, lactose
  • What two monosaccharides make maltose?

    glucose + glucose
  • What two monosaccharides make sucrose?
    glucose + fructose
  • What two monosaccharides make lactose?

    glucose + galactose
  • What happens when 2 monosaccharides join?

    A water molecules is removed.
  • What is this reaction called? (when 2 monosaccharides join)

    A condensation reaction.
  • What bond is formed during a condensation reaction?

    A glycosidic bond.
  • What happens when water is added to a disaccharide?

    It breaks the glycosidic bond, releasing the monosaccharide.
  • What is it called when a glycosidic bond is broken?

    A hydrolysis reaction.
  • What is a polysaccharide?

    They're polymers formed by combining together many monosaccharides.
  • Why are monosaccharides bonded to make di& polysaccharides?
    To make monosaccharides more suitable for transport, storage and to have less influence on a cell’s osmolarity.
  • What is a glycosidic bond?
    Two hydroxyl groups interacting to form a strong covalent bond.
  • What type of glycosidic bonds are present in maltose?
    alpha 1,4
  • What type of glycosidic bonds are present in sucrose?
    alpha 1,2
  • What type of glycosidic bonds are present in cellulose?
    beta 1,4
  • What type of glycosidic bonds are present in amylose?
    alpha 1,4
  • What type of glycosidic bonds are present in amylopectin?
    alpha 1,4 and alpha 1,6