Prokaryotes - smaller, no nucleus, contains no membrane-bound organelles
Binary fission
CircularDNAloops replicate and the 2 copies then attach to the cellmembrane.Plasmids also replicate
Cell elongates (the cell wall and cellmembraneelongates)
The cell membrane pinchesinward (think: body SNATCHED!) which divides the cytoplasm into two.
A new cellwall forms between the two DNAloops. This divides the original cell into 2 identicaldaughter cells (these daughtercells have one copy of the circular DNA, and many different numbers of copies of plasmids)
What is the equation for binary fission maths questions?
Total time bacteria are producing cells / mean division time (usually 20 minutes in ideal conditions) = number of divisions (n)
Original population x 2^n = number of bacteria cells
4 properties of viruses:
Acellular (no cells) - This is because they have no cell-surfacemembrane. They are considered particles instead
Very small (20-300nm)
Requires a host to replicate
Viruses: capsid
Made of protein, for protection
Viruses: genetic material
Enclosed by the capsid. Either DNA or RNA
Viruses: reverse transcriptase enzymes
Only present if RNA is present
Viruses: matrix
A virus' cytoplasm, essentially (do not say this in exam)
Viruses: lipid envelope
Only some viruses have it, e.g. HIV
Viruses: attachment proteins
These proteins allow viruses to identify and attach to a host cell
Do viruses undergo cell division?
No, because they are non-living. Instead, they inject their nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) into a host cell which then replicates the virus particles.
How could we increase the growth rate of cells?
Increase the temperature to increase enzyme activity
Increase the concentration of glucose or oxygen to increase respiration