ethical issues and ways of dealing with them

Cards (9)

  • ethical issues
    when a conflict exists between the rights of participants in research studies
  • informed consent
    making participants aware of the aim, the procedures, their rights and what their data will be used for
  • deception
    means deliberately misleading or withholding information from participants at any stage of the investigation
  • protection from harm
    participants should not be placed at any more risk than they would be in their daily lives and should be protected
  • privacy and confidentiality
    participants have the right to control information about themselves
  • BPS code of ethics
    a legal document produced by the British Psychological Society that instructs psychologists in the UK about what behaviour is and is not acceptable
  • dealing with informed consent
    • should be issued with a consent letter
    • under 16- signature and permission from parents
  • dealing with deception and protection from harm debriefing
    • end of study- participants should be given full debrief
    • participants should be made aware of the true aims
    • participants should be told what their data will be used for
  • dealing with confidentiality
    • if personal details are held these must be protected
    • maintaining anonymity