biological approach

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  • what is largest area of the brain?
    the cerebrum
  • where is the frontal lobe?

    largest at front of head
  • what’s the function of the frontal lobe?

    personality characteristics, decision making, movement, recognition of smell
  • what’s the function of the broca’s area and where is it?
    speech ability in the frontal lobe
  • where’s the parietal lobe?
    middle part of brain
  • what’s the function of the parietal lobe?

    helps person identify objects, understand spatial relationships/awareness and interpret pain/touch
  • whats the function of wenicke’s area and where is?
    understand language in the parietal lobe
  • where is the temporal lobe?

    sides of the brain
  • whats the function of the temporal lobe?

    short term memory, speech, musical rhyth, smell recognition
  • where is the occipital lobe?
    back part of the brain
  • what’s the function of the occipital lobe?
  • what do genes carry?
    code that determines particular characteristics like physical and psychological traits
  • what’s heredity mean?

    particular characteristics passed down from biological parents
  • what’s a genotype?

    the inherited unique genetic makeup of an individual, fixed at contraception
  • what’s a phenotype?

    the physical expression of a genotype which results from an interaction between genes and environmental factors
  • what are fraternal twins called?
    dizygotic - separate placentas
  • what are identical twins called?
    monozygotic - shared placentas
  • what is the warrior gene called?

    abnormal MAOA
  • what is ‘warrior’ gene?

    puts an individual at greater risk of becoming a violent killer (phenotype)
  • how does a nurturing and loving childhood affect the ‘warrior’ gene?

    outcome can be prevented
  • what do behaviour geneticists study?

    whether behavioural/psychological characteristics like intelligence and mental disorders are inherited in the same way as physical characteristics like eye colour/height
  • what affects the heritability of characteristics?
    •how the gene interacts with other genes the child has inherited
    •influence of environmental factors
  • what are the symptoms of schizophrenia?

    delusions, hallucinations, disorganised speech/behaviour
  • how much of the population suffer from schizophrenia?

  • the more genes you share with a schizophrenia patient…

    the greater the likelihood you will suffer with the same disorder
  • what are neurotransmitters?

    chemicals that are produced by the brain that transmit electrical messages from one nerve cell to another
  • what creates a chemical imbalance?

    over or under activity of a chemical
  • what does a chemical imbalance cause?

    an effect on behaviour and can be responsible for some symptoms of mental disorders
  • what do anti-psychotics do and how?

    suppress dopamine by blocking receptors so no signals can be sent
  • what causes schizophrenia?

    over activity of dopamine
  • what do anti-depressants do and how?

    increases serotonin levels by blocking the recycling of serotonin so it builds up in the synapse
  • what causes depression?
    under activity of serotonin
  • what are the symptoms of depression?

    low mood, appetite disruption, lack of pleasure in daily activities
  • what is evolution?

    the process where over time organisms change to adapt to their environment
  • how do individuals within a species differ from each-other?

    physical characteristics, traits and behaviour
  • who created the theory of evolution?
    charles darwin
  • what is natural selection?

    species must compete with eachother for access to resources, so individuals with traits that are more helpful for survival will go on to reproduce
  • how do undesirable traits fade over time?

    traits/behaviours that increase the chance of survival are more likely to be genetically passed on to future generations so these carry on strongly
  • what did david buss study?

    37 different cultures
  • what did david buss discover?

    across all cultures, there’s a universal sex difference of qualities people desire most in a potential romantic partner