uniform (deindividulisation) -> prisoners were given a lose smock to wear and a cap covering their hair, also defined by numbers (dehumanisation). guards had a separate uniform reflecting status role, with a wooden stick, handcuff and mirror shades
guards encouraged to play their role -> reminded they had complete control over the prisoners
selected 21 men (student volunteers) -> tested as emotionally stable
randomly assigned to play the role of a guard or prisoner
guards took up roles with enthusiasm treating prisoners harshly
within two days prisoners repelled
harassed prisoners constantly reminding them of the powerlessness of their role
guards highlighted difference in social roles by creating opportunities to enforce rules and administrate punishment
guards identified more and more closely with their role -> behaviour became increasingly brutal and aggressive
zimbardo ended the study after 6 days when it was supposed to be 14 days
even people who came into play a role found themselves conforming to the social role
social roles have a stronger influence on individuals behaviour
guards became more brutal/ prisoners more submissive
roles easily taken on by all participants
Control - Evaluation
had control over key variables -> selection of participants
if guards and prisoners behaved differently but were in the roles by chance -> their behaviour must have been due to the role itself
degree of control over the variables increased the internal validity
Application - Evaluation
did not have realism to true prisoners
Banuazizi and Movahedi argued participants were acting rather than actually conforming
actions were based not their stereotypes of how prisoners and guards were supposed to behave
Application - Counterpoint
90 % of prisoners conversations were about prison life
prisoner 416 believed it was a prison run by psychologists
Alternative Explanation - Evaluation
argued that guards and prisoners behaved the way they did it as it came naturally and easily
Being given the role of the guard meant that participants will inevitably play brutally as that’s the behaviour expected within the role
Guards had to actually identify with the social role to act as they did