Wundt and Introspection

    Cards (8)

    • Definition of introspection
      The process of studying the mind is known as introspection.
    • Wundt's lab
      • First lab ever dedicated to psychology
      • Opened in 1879 by Wundt In Germany
      • Objective was to document & describe nature of human consciousness
      • Method set to be known as introspection
      • Introspection = Wundt & co workers recording own conscious thoughts
      • Aim of breaking down into their constituent parts
      • Isolating structure of consciousness is called structuralism
    • Controlled methods
      • Methods used by Wundt would come to be known as scientific.
      • All introspections recorded under controlled conditions using same stimulus each time
      • Same instructions issued to all participants allowing it to be repeated
      • Wundt's work significant as it marked separation of modern scientific psychology from old and broader philosophical roots
    • John B Watson rejected introspection as it involved too many concepts that were vague and difficult to measure and as a result behaviourists relied on lab experiments
    • Define structuralism
      The approach he used which involved analysing conscious thoughts by breaking them down into constituent parts such as thoughts, sensations etc
    • A01 exam practice - Describe Wundt's role in the development of psychology
    • Evaluate Wundt's contribution to psychology - 4 marks
    • Outline and evaluate Wundt's role in the emergence of psychology as a science