Behaviourist Approach

Cards (19)

  • Classical Conditioning
    • Classical conditioning is when two stimuli - an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus are frequently combined together, learning by association takes place when the neutral; stimulus produces the same response that was first elicited by unlearned stimulus alone
  • A neutral stimulus is something that doesn't naturally elicit a response.
    • In pavlov's experiment, the bell was the neutral stimulus and only produced a response when paired with the food
  • An unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that leads to an automatic response. In Pavlov's experiment the food was the unconditioned stimulus
  • An unconditioned response is an automatic response to a stimulus. In Pavlov's experiment the dogs salivating for food is the unconditioned response
  • What is the basis of classical conditioning as an explanation for behavior?

    Behavior is learnt via associations.
  • How did Pavlov demonstrate classical conditioning?

    By teaching dogs to associate the sound of a bell with food.
  • What was the result of Pavlov's experiment with the dogs and the bell?

    The dogs salivated just by hearing the bell, even without food present.
  • What was the initial response of the dogs to the bell in Pavlov's experiment?

    The dogs had no response to the bell (neutral stimulus).
  • What is the unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov's experiment?

  • What is the unconditioned response in Pavlov's experiment?

  • What happens when the sound of the bell is paired with the presentation of food?

    The dogs learn to salivate at the sound of the bell.
  • What is the conditioned response in Pavlov's experiment?

    Salivation in response to the sound of the bell.
  • What is the conditioned stimulus in Pavlov's experiment?

    The sound of the bell.
  • What are the key components of classical conditioning as demonstrated by Pavlov?

    • Neutral stimulus: Bell (initially no response)
    • Unconditioned stimulus: Food (causes salivation)
    • Unconditioned response: Salivation (automatic reaction to food)
    • Conditioned stimulus: Bell (after conditioning)
    • Conditioned response: Salivation (in response to bell)
  • Punishment in Skinners experiment was
    •  the rat was punished with a shock when it hit a certain lever which stopped it from pressing it.
  • A01 - exam practice : Outline classical conditioning as an explanation for behaviour. (4 marks)
  • example evaluation peel paragraph : weakness of behaviourist approach
  • example evaluation peel paragraph : strength of behaviourist approach
  • explain classical conditioning in your own words

    pavlov presented the dogs with the sound of the bell which is the neutral stimulus, shortly before presenting food which is the unconditioned stimulus which then the dogs produced salivation which is the unconditioned response
    the dogs learnt to associate the sound of the bell now the conditioned stimulus with food and produced salivation the conditioned response even when food wasn't present