Medieval medical

Cards (30)

  • What were the three main types of practitioners in Medieval Medicine?
    Wise woman, Barber Surgeon, Monks
  • What role did wise women play in Medieval Medicine?

    They provided medical care and remedies based on traditional knowledge
  • What was the significance of monasteries in Medieval Medicine?

    They took care of the sick and provided hospices for the dying
  • What was the basis of Medieval Medicine's treatment methods?

    It was based on the four humors
  • What treatment method was commonly used for balancing the four humors?
  • What were some common treatments in Medieval Medicine?
    Purging, herbs/plants, prayers, pilgrimage
  • How was illness perceived in Medieval Medicine?

    Illness was often attributed to sin
  • What were recommended treatments for illness due to sin in Medieval Medicine?

    Prayer, pilgrimage, and charity
  • What were the four humors in Medieval Medicine?

    Blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile
  • Who were the key figures in the education of university-trained practitioners in Medieval Medicine?
    Galen and Hippocrates
  • What was the miasma theory in Medieval Medicine?

    It was the belief that bad smells caused disease
  • What significant event occurred in 1348-1349 related to Medieval Medicine?

    The Black Death (plague) struck Europe
  • What were the main components of Medieval Medicine's treatment philosophy?
    • Based on the four humors
    • Use of bloodletting and purging
    • Incorporation of herbs and plants
    • Emphasis on prayers and pilgrimages
  • How did the understanding of illness in Medieval Medicine differ from modern perspectives?

    • Illness attributed to sin
    • Treatments focused on spiritual remedies
    • Lack of understanding of germs and pathogens
  • Medical knowledge during this time included bloodletting, trepanation (drilling holes into skulls), and cauterization (burning wounds with hot irons).
  • Physicians were often priests or monks who believed that illnesses were caused by evil spirits or demons.
  • The Black Death killed an estimated 25 million people in Europe between 1347-1350.
  • Medicine during this time was based on superstition, religion, and magic rather than science.
  • Medieval physicians often relied on astrology to determine the best times for medical treatments, based on the alignment of planets.
  • The Black Death killed about one-third to two-thirds of the population.
  • The Black Death was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which is spread through fleas.
  • Herbal remedies, such as using plants like aloe vera and garlic, were frequently used to treat various ailments in medieval times.
  • Bloodletting was a common practice in medieval medicine, believed to balance the four humors in the body.
  • What is the main focus of the study mentioned in the material?
    The link between disease and poverty
  • Who is Alexander Fleming?
    A scientist who discovered penicillin
  • In what year did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
  • What significant quantity of penicillin was produced in 1945?
    16.8 trillion units
  • How did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
    He noticed mold growing in a petri dish that killed surrounding bacteria
  • What type of bacteria did the mold in Fleming's experiment kill?
    Staphylococcus bacteria
  • When was penicillin produced by the NHS?
    In 1945