Social Learning theory

Cards (19)

  • Who examined social learning?
  • The main assumption of the social learning theory is that we learn
    through observation and imitation. True or false?
  • Give 5 key terms within the Social Learning Theory
    Vicarious reinforcement, meditational processes, observation, identification, imitation, role model
  • 40 boys and 20 girls were used in the experiment. True or False
    False - 24 / 24
  • What are mediational processes?

    Processes that direct our observation and imitation.
  • Name the 4 meditational processes
    Attention, Retention, Motor reproduction and motivation
  • Identify the steps taken towards SLT learning
    • Assumes that learning occurs through the following stages: An observer identifiesthemselves with a desirable role model. This role model displays or models a specific behaviour, which is imitated by the observer. The likelihood that the observed behaviour will be imitated is increased if the role model is seen to be ‘vicariously reinforced’ or rewarded.
  • define role model
    • Role Model = A person with whom the observer identifies with. The role model is usually attractive, has high social status, is of a similar age and the same gender to the observer. This model can exert influence indirectly by not being physically present in the environment but, for example, seen in the media.
  • define identification
    • Identification = The process by which an observer relates to/ associates themselves with a role model and aspires to become more like that role model.
  • define vicarious reinforcement
    • Vicarious reinforcement = A type of indirect learning which occurs when an observer sees their role model being rewarded for displaying a certain behaviour. The observer is then motivated to imitate this behaviour, in an effort to receive the same reward.
  • attention and retention part of the 4 meditational processes are involved with the observation and understanding of the behaviour
  • motor reproduction and motivation part of the 4 meditational processes are involved in the actual imitation of the behaviour
  • A03 evaluation PEEL - weaknesses
    Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment ignores the biological differences between boys and girls = Social learning theory suggests that we learn from experience, and so ignores other biological or psychological factors, thus adopting environmental determinism
  • AO3 evaluation PEEL - weaknesses
    Demand characteristics in Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment = Bandura’s study may lack internal validity, due to not entirely investigating the effect of aggressive role models because the Bobo doll is specifically designed to be hit. The study may also lack mundane realism because it may not represent or measure how children would be aggressive in day-to-day situations, perhaps towards objects or people that are not meant to be struck
  • AO3 evaluation PEEL - strength
    Acknowledges the role of human cognition = Human cognitive and decision-making processes may be considered as more complex than that of animals. SLT has the advantage, over behaviourism, that it recognises the role of mediational processes as the conscious and cognitive insight that humans have into their behaviour. Therefore, SLT may be a better explanation of human behaviour, compared to behaviourism.
  • A01 exam practice question - Outline the SLT
    answer :
  • Give two limitations of the social learning theory  [6]

    answer :
  • strengths of bandura's bobo doll experiment
    • This was a controlled observational study with a standardised procedure which means that the study is replicable and thus could be repeated to test for reliability
    • Bandura's findings fuelled much debate re: exposing children to television violence hence it has good application
  • weaknesses of bandura's bobo doll experiment
    • Asking nursery workers to rate childrens' aggression is intrusive and may have encouraged bias
    • Some of the children were exposed to an aggressive adult which may have alarmed and distressed them
    • The aggression arousal phase may have upset the children
    • The experiment only shows short-term effects of observed aggression, making it difficult to see if there are long-term effects too