
Cards (12)

  • ethical issues
    a conflict between ppts' rights and researchers' needs to gain valuable and meaningful findings
  • BPS code of ethics
    a legal document produced by the British Psychological Society (BPS) that instructs psychologists in the UK about what behaviour and isn't acceptable when dealing with ppts.
  • the four major ethical issues

    -informed consent
    -protection from harm
    -privacy and confidentiality
  • informed consent
    ppts. must be given information on the purpose of the research and their role so they can make an informed decision about whether to participate
  • deception
    a ppt. is not told the true aims of the study and so cannot give truly informed consent
  • protection from harm

    during a study ensuring that ppts. are not at any more psychological or physical risk than they would be in their daily lives
  • privacy
    a person's right to control the flow of information about themselves
  • confidentiality
    concerns the communication of personal information from one person to another and the trust that the information will be protected
  • informed consent solution

    ppts. issues with consent letter detailing relevnt info that might affect their decision to participate.
    should be made aware of their right to withdraw
  • deception solution

    debrief- happens at the end of study, ppts. made aware of true aims of study
  • protection from harm solution

    debrief- happens at the end of a study, ppts. are made aware of true aims of the study, should be made aware that their behaviour was typical or normal and in extreme cases counselling offered
  • privacy and confidentiality solution

    maintain the anonymity of ppts.
    reminder during debrief that ppts. date will be protected