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  • Who is involved in the Absorption-Addiction Model?
  • What did McCutcheon argue?

    People form parasocial relationships due to deficiencies in their own lives
  • Research in support of The Absorption-Addiction Model?

    Cheung and Yue
    • carried out a telephone survey
    • 833 Chinese teenagers
  • What did Cheung and Yue find?

    Found that 'idol worship' was associated with low levels of work or study, lower self-esteem and less successful identity achievement
  • What did Cheung and Yue conclude?

    That those teenagers who worshipped idols from the media demonstrated the lowest levels of identity
  • What does the Absorption-Addiction model suggest?

    We form parasocial relationships because we lack relationships in our real life
  • What else does the Absorption-Addiction model suggest?

    relationships with celebrities are a way of escaping reality
  • Why do we become absorbed in the celebrities' life?

    To gain a sense of identity and to become fulfilled
  • What varies?
    the level of absorption
  • What may happen to someone that is at the first level (entertainment social)?

    They may be triggered to move up another level by a STRESSFUL LIFE EVENT
  • Define absorption ?

    seeing fulfilment in celebrity worship motivates an individual to focus their attention on the celebrity, becoming pre-occupied with them
  • Describe addiction?

    The individual needs to SUSTAIN THEIR COMMITMENT leading to extreme behaviours and delusional thinking