Research in support of The Attachment Theory Explanation?
gave questionnaires to Israelipps to see how they would feel if their favourite TV character was taken offair
COHEN research findings?
Their negativereactions resembled those that people experience at the end of 'real'relationships, and of greatest relevance was that most the mostnegativeresponses were obtained from pps with RESISTANT ATTACHMENTS
A parasocial relationship offers far lessrisk than a genuine relationship
a parasocial relationship is ONE SIDED so there is far less chance of criticism , demand, rejection, disappointment, relationship failure
mostlikely to form parasocial relationships
Why are insecure-resistant most likely to form parasocial relationships?
they have concern that others will notreciprocate their desire for intimacy
they turn to TVcharacters to satisfy their "unrealistic and often UNMETrelationalneeds"
Insecure AVOIDANT?
lesslikely to form parasocial relationships
WHat do insecure avoidant people find it hard to do?
developrelationships and therefore are lesslikely to seek them from real or fictional people
BUT Have potentially experiencedrejection so may seek a relationship where this does notexist
Secure attachment?
not likely to form parasocial relationships
often have satisfactoryreal-life relationships and do not seek as addiction relationship with a celebrity