Nervous system

Cards (14)

  • What are the main functions of the nervous system
    Receives and processes sensory input
    Integrates information
    Controls muscles and glands via motor output
    Mental activity
  • Cell types
    Neurons - transmit electrical stimuli through the body
    Neuroglia - support, nourish and insulate neurons
  • three types of neurons
  • structures
    sensory receptors - nerve endings that detect stimuli
    nerves - bundles of axons that transmit impulses
    ganglia - collections of nerve cell bodies
    plexus - a network of nerves formed from ventral branches of spinal nerves
  • nerves and nerve fibers
    individual axons surrounded by perineurium
    bundle together to make a nerve fiber
    fibers are surrounded by epineurium in their bundles to make nerves
  • cranial nerves
    12 pairs
    originate directly from the brain
    sensory, motor or both
  • spinal column
    grey matter in an H shape
    has a dorsal and ventral horn
    central canal where spinal chord runs
    white matter surrounding
  • grey matter contains cell bodies and fibers
    white matter only contains fibers
  • Types of nerve fibers
    Motor = efferent
    Sensory = afferent
  • somatic
    general somatic afferent = skin to sensory neurons
    general somatic efferent = motor to skeletal muscle
  • autonomic - visceral
    general visceral afferent = organ to sensory neuron
    general visceral efferent = motor neuron to smooth muscle
  • afferent = peripheral to CNS
    efferent = CNS to peripheral
  • sympathetic
    short preganglionic neuron
    long postganglionic neuron
  • parasympathetic
    long preganglionic neuron
    short postganglionic neuron