Case studies

Cards (18)

  • A case study is an in depth study that gathers a lot of detail about one person or a small group
  • Case studies are…
    • In depth
    • Longitudinal (gathered over an extended period of time)
    • Gathered from a variety of sources
  • Use a triangulation of data and methods
  • Techniques include
    • Interviews
    • Questionnaires
    • Experiments
    • Secondary data
    • Case histories
  • Phineas Gage was a railroad worker who suffered a massive brain injury after an iron rod was driven through his head.
  • The result of Phineas Gage’s injury, he became aggressive - however was able to do function normally
  • Phineas Gage’s case study - interviewed friends, family and co-workers
  • Phineas Gage’s case study - used secondary data such as medical records and newspaper articles
  • H.M -developed severe amnesia at age 27 after undergoing brain surgery as a form of treatment for his epilepsy
  • H.M’s surgery involved the removal of larger parts of the hippocampus on both sides of his brain - unable to store any new information in long-term memory
  • Leborgne, was only able to say the word ‘Tan’ - Broca examined his brain and found that there was a lesion in his left frontal lobe - now named “Broca’s area”
  • Strength - rich and detailed qualitative data
  • Strength - avoids practical and ethical issues
  • Strength - triangulation draws together results from many areas
  • Weakness - researcher bias on subjective opinions causes low validity
  • Weakness - small sample size means it is difficult to generalise findings
  • Weakness - lack of replication
  • Weakness - time consuming to draw in lots of data from multiple sources