
Cards (18)

  • Schema
    A mental framework of beliefs and expectations that influence cognitive processing (developed from experience)
  • Cognitive approach believes mental processes can and should be studied scientifically
  • Cognitive approach studies ‘private’ internal mental processes such as:
    1. Memory
    2. Perception
    3. Thinking
  • Private mental processes can be studied indirectly by making inferences based on 1) behaviour, 2) brain activity
  • Theoretical diagrams are diagrammatic representations of the steps involved in internal mental processes
  • The computer models are when the mind is compared to a computer. Things such as the central processing unit, coding and storage have all been compared to how the brain works
    1. Central processing unit= Brain
    2. Coding= turning information into usable information
    3. Storage= holding of information
  • Benefits of schemas are:
    1. Help us predict the future
    2. Process large amount of info quickly
    3. Prevent is becoming overwhelmed
  • Disadvantages of schemas:
    1. Distort our interpretations
    2. Cause bias
    3. Negative schemas can result in mental health problems
  • Cognitive neuroscience is the scientific study of the influence ​of the brain on cognition
  • Cognitive neuroscience also helped map out the brain areas
  • Scanning techniques have been useful in establishing neurological basis of some mental disorders
  • The cognitive approach has had an impact on therapy by suggesting that people with depression may benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy which aims to change negative thought patterns
  • Advances in brain imaging include fMRI and PET scans
  • Cognitive neuroscience as expanded into using computer generated models that are designed to read the brain
  • Cognitive neuroscience using computer generated models have led to ‘mind mapping‘ also known as brain fingerprinting
  • the cognitive approach helped develop therapy that focuses on changing internal mental processes
  • Cognitive approach also established more of an understanding of mental processes involved with learning and memory and appreciation to education