
Cards (30)

  • What is the formula for magnification?

    Magnification= Image/Object
  • Make sure to convert units!
  • General rule for being seen?
    If the object is smaller than half the wavelength of light, it cannot be seen.
  • TEM
    Max magnification is 1,500,000
    Passes a beam of electrons through the specimen, electrons that pass through are detected on a fluorescent screen on which the image is displayed.
  • Limitations of TEM
    Thin sections of specimen needed.
    Must be put into a vacuum so the electron beam isn’t disturbed by gas particles. Produces 2D image.
  • SEM
    Passes a beam of electrons over the surface of the specimen (scanning beam).
    Electrons reflect off the surface of the specimen which has been coated in heavy metals.
  • Limitations of SEM
    Lower magnification them tem - 1 million.
    In a vacuum.
    Coated in heavy metals.
    Black and white images.
  • What is the price range for purchasing a light microscope?

  • Why is a light microscope considered cheap to operate?

    Because it does not require expensive materials or maintenance
  • What is a key physical characteristic of light microscopes?

    They are small and portable
  • What is an advantage of light microscope sample preparation?

    It is simple and easy
  • Does a light microscope require a vacuum for operation?

    No, a vacuum is not required
  • How does a light microscope maintain the natural color of a sample?

    It does not alter the sample during observation
  • What is the maximum magnification of a light microscope?

    2000 times
  • Can specimens observed under a light microscope be living?

    Yes, specimens can be living or dead
  • What is often needed to make cells visible under a light microscope?

  • What is the cost of purchasing an electron microscope?

    Over £500,000
  • Why is the production of an electron beam considered expensive?

    It requires specialized equipment and maintenance
  • What is a key physical characteristic of electron microscopes?

    They are large and require special rooms
  • What is a disadvantage of electron microscope sample preparation?

    It is lengthy and complex
  • How does sample preparation affect the material in electron microscopy?

    It distorts the material
  • Does an electron microscope require a vacuum for operation?

    Yes, a vacuum is required
  • What type of images do electron microscopes produce?

    All images are in black and white
  • What is the maximum magnification of an electron microscope?

    Over 1,000,000 times
  • Why must specimens for electron microscopy be dead?

    They must be fixed in plastic and viewed in a vacuum
  • What is a potential issue with the electron beam in electron microscopy?

    It can damage specimens
  • What type of chemical is usually used to stain specimens for electron microscopy?

    Electron-dense chemicals, usually heavy metals
  • Which heavy metals are commonly used for staining in electron microscopy?

    Osmium, lead, or gold
  • How do electron microscopes work?

    Electron microscopes detect electrons on a fluorescent screen.
  • Why must specimens be kept in a near vacuum for electron microscopy?

    Specimens must be kept in a near vacuum to prevent the electron beam from being disturbed by gas particles.