experimental designs

Cards (9)

  • experimental design definition:
    the way participants are assigned into a group
  • what are the 3 types of experimental designs:
    • independent groups
    • repeated-measures
    • matched-pairs
  • independent groups definition:
    different participants in different conditions.
    one group is in the experimental condition & the other is in the control condition
  • repeated measures definition:
    each participant does both/all the conditions. One group does the experimental condition & the other group will do the control, and then they swap
  • matched pairs design definition:
    same as the independent groups - one half will do one condition & the other will do the other- BUT they match at least 1 person from each group based on specific characteristics so that the groups are fair
  • what is an experimental condition ?
    changing the independent variables you are testing
  • what is a control condition?
    keeping all of the variables the same
  • define the term ’order of effects‘ :
    the order you complete each condition which could influence the results (for better or for worse)
  • define the term ‘individual differences’ :
    the differences between participants e.g ages, IQ, skills and genders