Explanations for Conformity

Cards (4)

  • What did Deutsch and Gerard suggest about conformity?

    Deutsch and Gerard (1955) identified 2 main reasons why we
    conform. These are the need to be right (ISI) and the need to be
    liked (NSI).
  • What is Informational Social Influence?

    This is about who is right – you or the rest of the group, and occurs when we are uncertain about an answer or belief, or where there is some ambiguity.
    -If the majority of a group give a certain answer then you are more likely to conform to the same response, because you want to be right, and this can lead to internalisation.
  • What is Normative Social Influence? 

    This is about what is considered normal for a social group or situation.
    People do not want to appear foolish or silly, and so will change their behaviour in order to fit in with the group and gain approval. -This leads to a temporary change (compliance).
  • One strength of NSI
    Point – One strength of NSI is that there is research to support it.
    Evidence- For example, Asch (1951) found that participants would
    conform to a group majority and give an incorrect answer in an
    obvious line judgement task when the rest of the group gave an
    incorrect answer.
    Explain – This is important as participants stated they changed
    their answers as a result of the perceived pressure from the group
    Link- Therefore, this shows that, in some situations, conformity can be the result NSI and the desire to fit into a group.